Supplementary Information: The Actors of History: Narrative Network Analysis Reveals the Institutions of Power in British Society Between 1800-1950

In this study we analyze a corpus of 35.9 million articles from local British newspapers published between 1800 and 1950, investigating the changing role played by key actors in public life. This involves the role of institutions (such as the Church or Parliament) and individual actors (such as the Monarch). The analysis is performed by transforming the corpus into a narrative network, whose nodes are actors, whose links are actions, and whose communities represent tightly interacting parts of society. We observe how the relative importance of these communities evolves over time, as well as the centrality of various actors. All this provides an automated way to analyze how different actors and institutions shaped public discourse over a time span of 150 years. We discover the role of the Church, Monarchy, Local Government, and the peculiarities of the separation of powers in the United Kingdom. The combination of AI algorithms with tools from the computational social sciences and data-science, is a promising way to address the many open questions of Digital Humanities.

Narrative network for 1800-1810

Nodes: 386
Edges: 298

Narrative network for 1805-1815

Nodes: 417
Edges: 376

Narrative network for 1810-1820

Nodes: 438
Edges: 432

Narrative network for 1815-1825

Nodes: 580
Edges: 585

Narrative network for 1820-1830

Nodes: 834
Edges: 839

Narrative network for 1825-1835

Nodes: 1191
Edges: 1403

Narrative network for 1830-1840

Nodes: 1837
Edges: 2229

Narrative network for 1835-1845

Nodes: 2640
Edges: 3111

Narrative network for 1840-1850

Nodes: 3567
Edges: 4279

Narrative network for 1845-1855

Nodes: 4273
Edges: 5157

Narrative network for 1850-1860

Nodes: 5592
Edges: 7010

Narrative network for 1855-1865

Nodes: 8157
Edges: 11133

Narrative network for 1860-1870

Nodes: 9249
Edges: 13244

Narrative network for 1865-1875

Nodes: 8246
Edges: 11535

Narrative network for 1870-1880

Nodes: 8442
Edges: 12031

Narrative network for 1875-1885

Nodes: 11164
Edges: 17303

Narrative network for 1880-1890

Nodes: 12604
Edges: 20271

Narrative network for 1885-1895

Nodes: 12677
Edges: 19254

Narrative network for 1890-1900

Nodes: 10840
Edges: 15256

Narrative network for 1895-1905

Nodes: 9331
Edges: 13794

Narrative network for 1900-1910

Nodes: 9010
Edges: 13870

Narrative network for 1905-1915

Nodes: 7356
Edges: 10955

Narrative network for 1910-1920

Nodes: 6448
Edges: 9062

Narrative network for 1915-1925

Nodes: 5125
Edges: 6723

Narrative network for 1920-1930

Nodes: 4664
Edges: 5899

Narrative network for 1925-1935

Nodes: 5916
Edges: 7279

Narrative network for 1930-1940

Nodes: 6854
Edges: 8300

Narrative network for 1935-1945

Nodes: 5109
Edges: 5930

Narrative network for 1940-1950

Nodes: 3040
Edges: 3321